The facts are clear – today, unfortunately, we can only try to limit global warming to aminimum and adapt to the changes that have already occurred. The more we must nowactively participate, do more about it – and not just discuss "hockey stick curves". Because the triggers are not others – it's us, both personally and professionally. And the time to act is now.
Sustainability is not a niche topic
The task: the entire project process in the creative industry must change. From travel to implementation costs to regulations and resource management. While the idea of sustainability was originally discussed in the context of the environment, today it's not only about environmental responsibility, but also about economic stability and social justice.
As a design agency, we take on this task, because design decisions will always have an impact – both intended and unintended. Design choices often reflect values, attitudes, perspectives, and have direct and indirect effects on the environment, individuals, and society. We want to live up to this responsibility. We started with ourselves and a dismantling of the agency's own "NIMBYism": analysis, tracking, and readjustment of behavior, resource consumption, as well as the establishment of extensive corrective measures in various areas have led to a change of mindset.
We believe that positive change is always possible and that especially in times of multiple crises, significant changes are even easier and more consistently achievable. Different strategies contribute to the common goal:
„Waste isn’t waste until we waste it“
With our 10-member "Sustainable Business" working group, we consistently work to further minimize our ecological footprint by using resources more efficiently, reducing waste, and promoting environmentally friendly technologies and practices. Our stated goal is to take on an increasingly leading role in environmental protection within our industry. Our efforts extend throughout the entire value chain, including involving our business partners in environmentally conscious and sustainable practices.
Our vision of appreciative spatial communication
Sustainability should always be taken into account, especially in projects like our self- presentation: We implemented the idea of temporary architecture that has a life after the trade fair with "Delivered" at EuroShop 2020. We provide evidence that compelling design and resource-efficient, sustainable work are not contradictory and set a clear example with our goal of 100% reuse of the crates.

Since 2018, we have been part of the Ecovadis Initiative and have been certified with a "Silver" ranking. In addition, we are a member of the Integrity-Next platform. Currently, our sustainability team is working on a comprehensive further certification. We consistently pursue potential improvements, both in terms of reducing our own ecological footprint and in our professional consulting offerings and new initiatives of our own.