The GROHE Water Experience Center in Düsseldorf is a unique oasis of wellness. It serves as a showroom for the GROHE SPA Collection and can be used by GROHE employees. The special product lines are sh...
MARTOR is the global leader in safe and efficient cutting solutions for professionals. With the MARTOR WORLD, a new customer center has been established at the company's headquarters in Solingen. Cove...
The new Schüco Homes web platform creates a unique product experience brought to life through a range of different homes and lifestyles. Walk-through 360° interiors and photorealistic stills showcase ...
Fan culture thrives on emotion, identity and bonding with the heart team – embodied by unforgettable games, meaningful mementos, and the stories told about them. The new adidas Halftime Gallery exhibi...
An inspiring work environment that promotes creativity and a heightened sense of identity – guided by this vision, the temporary exhibition in the Halftime Gallery in Herzogenaurach blends cultural he...
Modernity demands light, air, and sun in abundance. Since the Bauhaus movement began, a lot has changed from a technological and construction point of view, but one thing remains: and it's that desire...
Where football lives - the adidas campus in Herzogenaurach, Germany will become the epicenter of the sporting world during the European Football Championship. While the German national team moves into...
Henkel is a pioneer of hair and body care products. Their "Beauty Care" division develops, improves and expands its portfolio every year. And the Lighthouse captures it all. Offering exciting insights...
The story of adidas, told through stories that continually keep writing themselves on and on. Not a museum, but a place that works for different target groups through the interplay of multimedia stagi...
How are we going to move through the city of tomorrow? The Telekom Design Gallery takes a fascinating look at the mobile future within the new area MOVE designed by Dart. As prototypes the interconnec...
D’art Design Seoul, the Korean subsidiary of D’art Design Gruppe, has presented its so far largest project: the brand gallery „Magical Walk“ for the domestic appliance manufacturer SK Magic. It is loc...
The specialist for innovative building shells Schüco would like to transfer its highlight themes and product innovations shown on BAU 2017 to its showroom. Again, the D'art Design Gruppe takes over th...
Located directly at lifestyle location Dusseldorf MediaHarbor in the Plange Mühle, a listed building renovated with office lofts, adidas enhances its Originals showroom: in addition to a Reebok Classi...
다트디자인그룹은 빌레펠트에 위치한 쉬코 본사에 지난 2015 BAU 건축 기자재 박람회에서 선보인 브랜드 아키텍쳐를 기본 바탕으로 쇼룸을 리뉴얼 하였습니다.
2015년 “집. 일터. 삶(Home. Work. Life)”이라는 모토 아래 다트가 개발한 브랜드 아키텍처를 기초로 빌레펠트 쉬코(Schüco) 본사의 쇼룸이 리뉴얼 되었습니다. 세 개의 스튜...
The explorative mediatecture created by Dart for Schüco in 2013 will be complemented by new contents and stations in 2015 and will also be used in the long term in the company’s own showroom. The smar...
18개월의 설계와 공사 기간을 거쳐 다트의 새로운 클라이언트인 헨켈의 글로발 체험센터에 700제곱미터의 „Laundry & Home Care“ 인터렉티브 전시공간을 완성하였습니다.
글로벌 체험센터(GEC)는 독일 뒤셀도르프 헨켈(Henkel) 공장 지역 내 역사적인 건물 A04에 위치해 있으며 헨켈의 혁신과 재능을 주제로 700제곱미터 전시공간에 1...
두 개의 탑브랜드가 하나의 공간에 어우러지다 – 아디다스와 리복은 새로 개관한 마인하우젠(Mainhausen)의 오더 센터에 기반을 두고 있습니다. 다트에서 이 두 브랜드 공간을 위한 디자인컨셉 구상과 실행을 담당하였습니다.
스포츠용품 제조사의 브랜드 쇼룸은 일 년 내내 스포츠분야 거래를 위해 개방되며, 두 브랜드는 1,000제곱미터가 넘는 전시 ...
Innovative sales concepts are a little adventure. Like the B2B customer centre of Henkel, the Global Experience Centre (GEC), in which participatory and laboratory areas, immersive and digital knowled...