All about Exhibition.

  • Exhibition
  • grohe SPA

GROHE SPA Milan Design Week

Every year, the international design community gathers in Milan for the furniture fair and Design Week. GROHE presents its premium sub-brand GROHE SPA in an immersive installation at the Palazzo Reale...

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  • Exhibition
  • grohe

GROHE Water Experience Center

The GROHE Water Experience Center in Düsseldorf is a unique oasis of wellness. It serves as a showroom for the GROHE SPA Collection and can be used by GROHE employees. The special product lines are sh...

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  • Exhibition
  • DART

New Design from Düsseldorf

The exhibition of the final projects of the graduates of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (HSD) took place for the first time in October 2023 at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. D’art Design Gr...

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  • Exhibition
  • grohe
  • GROHE X Professional Event 2023

GROHE X Professional Event 2023

As part of the GROHE X Professional Event 2023, GROHE invites various B2B target groups from the plumbing, wholesale, and showroom sectors to an exclusive event in Lisbon. Products from the GROHE Prof...

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  • Exhibition
  • Martor
  • Showroom Solingen 2023

Experience MARTOR!

MARTOR is the global leader in safe and efficient cutting solutions for professionals. With the MARTOR WORLD, a new customer center has been established at the company's headquarters in Solingen. Cove...

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  • Exhibition
  • adidas
  • Halftime Gallery 2022

adidas Halftime Gallery

Fan culture thrives on emotion, identity and bonding with the heart team – embodied by unforgettable games, meaningful mementos, and the stories told about them. The new adidas Halftime Gallery exhibi...

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  • Communication
  • KEY VISUAL 2022

Reflection of time

As part of their "Private Collections of Contemporary Art" series, the SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation proudly presents their own collection titled PAST. PRESENT. FUTURE. With the inauguration of ...

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  • Exhibition
  • Grohe
  • grohe give truck

Technical know-how

Discover, experience, enjoy. Customer centricity is particularly important to GROHE ­– which is why the GROHE GIVE Truck now brings training directly to installers throughout the Europe/Middle East/No...

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  • Exhibition
  • adidas
  • Halftime Gallery WOMEN 2022

Opportunities for HER

An inspiring work environment that promotes creativity and a heightened sense of identity – guided by this vision, the temporary exhibition in the Halftime Gallery in Herzogenaurach blends cultural he...

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  • Exhibition
  • Henkel
  • Z55, ACM Experience area

For powerful partnerships

The Inspiration Center in Düsseldorf is Henkel's new facility, covering an area of 47,000 sqm. It’s a space, where the worlds of customer experience and work merge under one roof. And where brand spac...

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  • Exhibition
  • Henkel
  • Z55

Innovation, eye-to-eye

Transparency, open-mindedness and collaboration shape our changing work culture - and the material science industry is no different. No wonder Henkel is dedicating an entire 47,000 square meter new bu...

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  • Exhibition
  • SChüco
  • welcome forum 2022

An Extraordinary Welcome!

Excellence can only be achieved through meticulous preparation. And we’re delighted to announce we’ve reached the opening stage! The Schüco Welcome Forum in Bielefeld is an exciting and innovative add...

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  • Exhibition
  • grohe x
  • Experience center

GROHE X Brand & Communication Experience Center

In 2021, the first digital GROHE X Hub was created in close cooperation with GROHE and other partners. Packed with informative, inspiring content, visitors have access to the world-famous brand's expe...

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  • Exhibition
  • Stepstone
  • podcast studio

The power of audio

An inviting atmosphere with easygoing hosts. And casual exchanges on topics like recruitment, employer branding, new work, digitalization, agility or leadership. In the "HR snackbar" the new StepStone...

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  • Showcase
  • adidas

Retelling the History of Adidas

The goal: To design an exhibition located in the foyer of the award-winning “Halftime” multi-purpose building. In so doing, connect the extensive history of adidas with the present – and the future. A...

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  • Exhibition
  • schöck
  • unboxed 2021

Schöck Unboxed

What if an entire trade show booth could fit into one box? That's the idea behind Schöck Unboxed: a bespoke mobile display unit. Created to compensate for cancelled trade fairs by providing a safe way...

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  • Exhibition
  • schüco
  • showroom weißenfels 2021

Design with perspective

Modernity demands light, air, and sun in abundance. Since the Bauhaus movement began, a lot has changed from a technological and construction point of view, but one thing remains: and it's that desire...

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  • Exhibition
  • SMA Solar Technology AG
  • SMA STUDIO 2021

A smart third skin

Stream content where it will be seen. Today, more and more brands and companies have their own agile in-house film studios. Take SMA Solar Technology AG – who are broadcasting their new LET'S TALK ENE...

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  • Exhibition
  • adidas
  • Halftime Gallery EM 2021

Football meets Art

Where football lives - the adidas campus in Herzogenaurach, Germany will become the epicenter of the sporting world during the European Football Championship. While the German national team moves into...

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  • Project
  • Henkel
  • Beauty care Lighthouse

Innovation across all senses

Henkel is a pioneer of hair and body care products. Their "Beauty Care" division develops, improves and expands its portfolio every year. And the Lighthouse captures it all. Offering exciting insights...

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  • Project
  • Henkel
  • Content Factory 2020

Space for creativity

Henkel's brand cosmos may be expanding but so too is the world of brand communication around it. Media channels are growing, becoming more dynamic, and target groups are increasingly autonomous. Adjus...

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  • Exhibition
  • adidas
  • Halftime History 2019

Telling adidas histories

The story of adidas, told through stories that continually keep writing themselves on and on. Not a museum, but a place that works for different target groups through the interplay of multimedia stagi...

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  • Exhibition
  • Panasonic
  • Convention 2019

The appropriate framework

The Japanese electronics group held its annual product show from February 19 to 21. At Messe Frankfurt's "Kap Europa" congress centre, European dealers were given an insight into the Group's new produ...

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  • Project
  • Panasonic
  • Convention 2018

Innovative Century

D'art Design Gruppe is once again transforming the Panasonic Convention into a spectacular brand appearance: The five-day dealer event is being staged in February 2018 in the new Palau de Congressos i...

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  • Project
  • adidas
  • Hub Olympic Winter Games 2018

Event Oasis

The Olympic Winter Games are the uber-event of the sports world – and in 2018 in South Korea adidas is presenting itself with something special: the adidas Hub. The pavilion in the mountains of Pyeong...

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  • Project
  • SK Magic
  • Magical Walk 2017

Bring Magic to Life

D’art Design Seoul, the Korean subsidiary of D’art Design Gruppe, has presented its so far largest project: the brand gallery „Magical Walk“ for the domestic appliance manufacturer SK Magic. It is loc...

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  • Project
  • Canon
  • Customer Experience Center 2017

Customer Journey

For the remodelling of the Canon Germany headquarters in Krefeld the D’art Design Gruppe has designed and realized one of the highlights: the new Customer Experience Center. Here, customers and visito...

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  • Project
  • Schüco
  • Showroom 2017

Building Emotion

The specialist for innovative building shells Schüco would like to transfer its highlight themes and product innovations shown on BAU 2017 to its showroom. Again, the D'art Design Gruppe takes over th...

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  • Project
  • Henkel
  • CGF Global Summit 2017

Global Player

The Henkel Group needs a suitable brand appearance for the CGF Global Summit 2017 in the hotel InterContinental® Berlin. At the annual top meeting of the international consumer goods forum, the manufa...

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  • Project
  • Adidas
  • Communication Spaces Sports Marketing 2018

Sports Loft

Located directly at lifestyle location Dusseldorf MediaHarbor in the Plange Mühle, a listed building renovated with office lofts, adidas enhances its Originals showroom: in addition to a Reebok Classi...

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  • Panasonic
  • Convention 2017

Form Evolution

This year, with the focus on quality and innovation, the Panasonic brand has presented its latest products to dealers, press and business partners. The Panasonic Convention 2017 was staged once again ...

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  • AEG
  • Küchenmeile 2016

Minimalistic Elegange

Elegant, minimalistic and uncomplicated – that’s how the traditional brand AEG is presenting itself at Küchenmeile 2016. The D’art Design Group communicates the new design of the newly launched excl...

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  • Project
  • Panasonic
  • Convention 2016

Corporate Ambience

7,700㎡의 이벤트 공간, 2,400㎡가 넘는 전시 영역, 2,000명 이상의 방문객 그리고 새로운 파나소닉의 기업 전시 컨셉 – 바로 2016 유럽 파나소닉 컨벤션의 모습입니다. 독일 프랑크푸르트 박람회장 Kap Europa에서 영감넘치는 전시로 브랜드 파나소닉의 위상이 높아지고 있습니다.파나소닉은 5일간 개최되는 행사에 언론사, 거래 파트너, 리셀러 ...

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  • Project
  • Schüco
  • Showroom 2015


다트디자인그룹은 빌레펠트에 위치한 쉬코 본사에 지난 2015 BAU 건축 기자재 박람회에서 선보인 브랜드 아키텍쳐를 기본 바탕으로 쇼룸을 리뉴얼 하였습니다. 2015년 “집. 일터. 삶(Home. Work. Life)”이라는 모토 아래 다트가 개발한 브랜드 아키텍처를 기초로 빌레펠트 쉬코(Schüco) 본사의 쇼룸이 리뉴얼 되었습니다. 세 개의 스튜...

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  • Project
  • Henkel
  • gEC 2015

New Dimensions

18개월의 설계와 공사 기간을 거쳐 다트의 새로운 클라이언트인 헨켈의 글로발 체험센터에 700제곱미터의 „Laundry & Home Care“ 인터렉티브 전시공간을 완성하였습니다. 글로벌 체험센터(GEC)는 독일 뒤셀도르프 헨켈(Henkel) 공장 지역 내 역사적인 건물 A04에 위치해 있으며 헨켈의 혁신과 재능을 주제로 700제곱미터 전시공간에 1...

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  • Project
  • Panasonic
  • convention 2012

Intervening Architecture

건물의 기존 공간 구조를 활용하여 구성하는 전시 디자인을 특징으로 하는 2012 파나소닉 컨벤션이 독일 최초의 의회 건물인 함부르크 의회센터에서 개최되었습니다. 기업 브랜드 디자인에 적용된 전시 디자인이 어떤 식으로 의회 홀이 가진 독특한 건축 양식에 녹아들 수 있을까요? 공공 건물에서 진행하는 세일즈 이벤트는 해당 기업의 브랜드 디자인을 건물의 기...

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  • Project
  • Expo
  • Shanghai 2010

Visualizing the Invisible

다트디자인이 제안한 2010 상하이 엑스포의 스위스 전시관의 디자인은 스위스만이 가진 보물을 숨기는 듯 드러내는 컨셉으로 진행하였습니다. 이 전시에서 관람객은 지하로 떠나는 발견의 여행을 경험하게 됩니다. 다트디자인이 제안한 2010 상하이 엑스포의 스위스 전시관 디자인은 얼핏 눈에 잘 보이지 않지만 체험이 가능한 스위스의 모습을 보여주는 데 그 매...

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  • Project
  • Gabor
  • Landesgartenschau 2010

Shoes Write History

다트디자인은 가버의 본사가 있는 독일 로젠하임에서 열린 2010 정원 박람회에서 브랜드 가버를 위한 전시 “시간 속 공간”을 연출하였습니다. 어떻게 신발이 한 지역의 역사와 한 기업의 역사를 이어주는 연결고리가 될 수 있을까요?2010년 독일 로젠하임에서 열린 공원 및 정원 축제(Landesgartenschau)에서 유명 신발 제조업체인 가버(Gab...

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  • Project
  • Rwe
  • Ringboulevard 2009

The future is now!

다트디자인은 미래 에너지의 혜택에 대해 흥미롭게 알아볼 수 있는 전시를 설계하였습니다. 누버그링의 에너지회사 에르베에를 위한 이 전시는 인터랙티브 스테이션을 활용하여 복잡한 컨텐츠를 관람객들이 보다 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 구성하였습니다. 독일 누버그링(Nürburgring)의 전력회사 에르베에(RWE)는 에너지 효율성을 주제로 브랜드 전시를 개최하...

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  • Project
  • Philips
  • Illuminesca 2008

Liaison between fashion, light and architecture

일루미네스카는 패션과 조명, 건축이 조화롭게 만나는 공간으로 2008년 필립스가 다트디자인과 함께 만든 전시입니다. 필립스 라이팅과 암스테르담 레드라이트 디스트릭트의 젊은 디자이너들이 힘을 합쳐 만든 무대로, 과거에는 가스 공장이었으나 현재 복합 문화공간으로 활용되고 있는 암스테르담의 웨스터가스파브릭에서 연출되었습니다. 암스테르담은 도시의 가장 악명...

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  • Project
  • adidas
  • walk of fame 2008

Athletic History

In 2008, Dart again arranges the Walk of Fame for adidas in its Brand Center at its headquarters in Bavaria.The manufacturer of sports articles already assigned Dart with the exhibition concept for th...

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